He's always happy to take pictures when I hand him the camera. And he had already changed out of his Easter best, so it seemed like a nice opportunity to get some shots of me with the kids without me having to run back and forth between preschoolers and setting the timer on the camera.
I usually choose the settings and let him snap away.
And snap away he does. A nearly empty 8 GB card is like a challenge for him. How quickly can I fill it up?
It always makes him particularly happy to capture more elusive expressions, like the one below where I am telling him about that very 8 gig card that does not need filling up in that exact moment.
I've been told this is an expression to watch for: the one-eye-half-closed-eye-twitch which is also a hallmark expression of one of the brunettes.....or so I've been told by her husband.
The look may sometimes be followed by a very fleeting both-eyes-closed-eye-twitch.
The inherent problem with this expression is that it rarely to never yields the desired response. A playful smirk and chuckle is usually all I get.
After a few more snaps and a change in angle, I get asked "How do you focus this thing?"
To which I apologize and ask for the camera back so I can switch it off back-button focus.
But no, he says "Just tell me how to do it." And he then proceeds to take the only family photo we've had taken since last fall.
Can you find Waldo?
My little girl is close to mastering the both-eyes-closed-eye-twitch. I am so proud of the legacy I am leaving.
Another thing about the husband having the camera is he neglects to tell you, "You look more fat than pregnant right now. Try scooting forward on the chair, roll your shoulders back and down, and turn a bit more to the side."
When you finally get your camera back, he digs out his new video recorder that he "needed" for work...
...on which he continues to take still shots because it's just so much fun.