March 13, 2012

A Heap of Random

I think all bloggers struggle with the phenomenon of having more to say than they have time to write here. All the ideas, thoughts, and posts that never actually make it to the screen frustrate all of us that endeavor to write.

And while I've experienced this in the past, this whole lots-to-say not-enough-time-to-say-it thing is not my current reason for the pitiful amount of posts I've been churning out lately.

No. Rather, it's the opposite. I feel I have nothing to say.

No words. No thoughts. No deep probings into my sub-conscious.

I suppose this could be due to being pregnant. Or maybe it's due to every ounce of my creativity going into the large drama production of Pollyanna I'm co-directing and producing. Either way, my brain honestly feels blank most days.

I remember the heavy posts I used to write, the way writing them was almost a birthing process, a self-realization, and often-times a God-realization. But now, I've got nothing.   And when you've written with that magical word-soul connection in the past, it's hard to just force the words out now for the sake of posting something. In fact, writing without that magic almost seems pointless, futile, and a waste of time. Without that magic, all I've got here is an endless stream of sentences starting with conjunctions.

But (see, I told you) in an effort to the keep the fingers nimble, I give you this post with a heap of random.


I'm not crafty. People always like to feign shock when they hear this. Apparently, I give off some sort of "crafty" aura or something. But I really dislike cutting and gluing and trying to make something pretty out of a pile of little things. I love the finished products that other people make, but actually pulling everything together, making it myself, and dealing with all the mess nearly gives me hives.

I was feeling guilty on Valentine's Day that I hadn't done any projects with my kids. We had just gotten over a bout with the flu that brought all four of us down on different days and in completely different ways, and the seemingly pointless holiday snuck up on me.

But (there it is again) a brief moment of inspiration came over me during lunch on Valentine's Day, and with the help of my little girl's creativity, we managed to pull a project together. The best part of it was that they were gifts for other people, which is my favorite kind of project for 2 reasons:
1. It helps the kids think about people other than themselves.
2. I don't have to try to find a home for yet another creation and go through the agonizing process of "Keep? Or throw"" that inevitably comes when children make things.

Plus, who wouldn't want a re-used pimento jar filled with unwrapped candy fingered by 4 year olds during cold and flu season?


I love grapefruit. It's like eating little bites of sunshine all winter long. My kids love it, too, and we practically fight over the one whole grapefruit per day that I currently have us rationed to.


I bought my husband the board game "Axies and Allies" for his birthday. I wasn't supposed to get him anything as we had just purchased a rather large and expensive item for each other that was going to serve as our gifts to each other for the year. But I just got the $25 version of the game instead of the $300 version of the game. (Who knew there were so many different versions and such a wide price range of a board game?)

{insert picture that simply wouldn't upload here}
So one Sunday afternoon, he spent an hour reading the instruction book, an hour setting up the game, and an hour trying to explain to me how to play it. I sort of eventually almost caught on, and six hours later my Allies finally dealt a severe blow to his Axies. It was however, nearly 1:00 am at that point, and we never did see the conclusion to the game. Funny how even with my poor tactical planning skills, the game still played out remarkably similar to the actual WWII.


Nearly every night my little boy wants to sleep in the same bedroom as my little girl. Sometimes she'll go for it, but when this happens it just extends the whole bedtime process to be even longer. I like a strict bedtime routine for them, but I think they know that after 13+ straight hours of being with them, my defenses are low.

{I thought this photo was so sweet on my camera. But then I got it up on the computer and realized she's sticking out her tongue at him.} 


And there's more. But I think I should post this before my computer decides to hyperventilate and lock up on me again (for, like, the 7th time since I started working on this post. Maybe I'm not supposed to be blogging?)


Shayne said...

I'm in the desert with you. So hard to be there after hitting "publish" and being really excited to write in the past.

I love the picture when she's sticking her tongue out at him. Because that's tangible evidence of the life we live everyday. :)

Unknown said...

I know what you mean about the posts that feel like a birth always brings such enlightenment. But, with that said I have also found great enjoyment in writing about the normal everyday occurrences.

I love reading about what you are doing in your life...and you made me laugh about the grapefruit. We are rationing our grapefruit, too! :)

Lisa said...

I love the V-day crafty pictures! Good luck with Pollyanna & with the blogging inspiration. I think blogging goes in ebbs and flows, like many things in life I suppose. This is a fun update; in spite of, or maybe because of, being random. :)

Elizabeth said...

Sigh. I know what you mean. I'm in a rut myself. So often I feel there is nothing of value to share, and so share I do not. Blech.
But I must say. Whether it's deep or not, I love when you write. So keep it up when you can. If nothing else, for my sake. :)

Jess said...

Well I'm the Queen of Pointless Posts lately so I'm glad to have your company. Rockin' the light you had in those last two, I love that.

Kelly said...

I am so proud to have gotten a handmade gift from the kids! it is fun to see the pics of them making them! they are so focused!!!

I want that grapefruit picture!!! blowup huge!

Your kids are so cute at bedtime!!! How sweet!

I am happy with random posts! Just glad you are posting!!