May 17, 2012

Twice Now

I've said it twice now.

{29 weeks}

Once I was sorta joking.

And the other time I got a little choked up because I really almost meant it.

I wish I was having twins again. A boy and a girl.

It looks crazy all typed out like that.  And I'm certainly not going to go so far as to say having twins is "easier" like I've heard one or two other mothers of multiples say (not that I would know.....yet).

But there's something about seeing them together now that makes me finally realize what a special gift they have in each other. From the moment their lives began at conception, they've always had each other. For better or for worse, they've shared nearly every minute of their lives. And while being their mother has required every ounce of God's all-sufficient grace (when I remember to use it), a heap of determination (at least this one comes naturally), and some sturdy arm muscles (if only I looked as buff as I feel), I'm trying to get myself to stop and recognize what's so unique about twin siblings.......something I probably didn't do in their early years when I was working so hard to balance identical routines for them with unique identities.

The year after their third birthday was tough - just lots and lots of sibling rivalry between those two - so.much.fighting. But since they've turned four, it's as if they've turned over a new leaf.

The first time I mumbled it to myself, the whole "I wish I was having twins again," I was standing in the kitchen watching them through the window playing so happily together. It's something I've done so often, but something about their camaraderie, their desire to share their discoveries with one another, and their care for each other just struck me in that moment. They completely get each other, even though they have polar opposite personalities, and when I think about just having one four year old, it does make having two four year olds seem easier.

The second time the thought jumped into my heart, the three of us were driving home. Jack-Hammer had stayed with one of the brunettes' husband and their boys so she and I and Ava could go to a jewelry party. Jack had a blast and in the short time we were gone, those 4 guys did as much guy-stuff as they could. There was some really minor incident with an excavator (a real one, not a toy) and Jack, and he had to tell me about it as soon as I got back. As were driving home, Ava turned to Jack and said, "So you fell off the excavator?" And the daddy caught you?" (which is a slight exaggeration of what really happened, but it's how Jack perceived the whole event). Jack answered, telling Ava all about the scenario. Then, after a brief pause, Jack let out a little obligatory sigh and said to his sister, "So what was the party like?"

I can't even remember what she answered, but I remember being so struck by this whole little conversation they had without me. They had been apart for 2 hours and had to spend some time catching up. My heart throbbed within me as I realized how blessed they are to have each other, and I wondered what in the world our lives will look like 4 years from now. I related their dialogue to the husband and asked him, "Four years from now when we have two eight year olds, who's the four year old going to play with and talk with and share life with?"

I suggested a two year old, but he only guffawed.


Kirsten said...

Just yesterday I was saying "I'm SO glad I'm not having twins!!" I am so stretched right now, my belly feels like it is going to burst! I can't imagine carrying TWO of them! :)

But really, this is a beautiful post. My hubby is a twin, and I know there is a piece of him that would love to have twins of his own. They do have that special bond for life.

P.S. Love that first pic. You are so TINY! :)

Kelly said...

I have my own perspective and it really matches what you are learning about your twins. There is nothing like that twin sibling. A bond that really cannot be broken no matter what. I have thought many times, "i wouldn't mind having twins" I really wouldn't. Watching you raise twins has been amazing because you are so good at it! They are such awesome little kids. They are so opposite but so close. You wrote this well because it is hard to describe the relationship between twins.
Also, I love the belly pics! You are finally popping out! The kids are gonna love having a little baby around (most days:) The picture of them in the garden made my giggle very hard. It is sooo Jack and sooo Ava! A 2 year old to play with the 4 year old...sounds like a good idea to me... just saying! :)

Lisa said...

Love this all! You are a beautiful pregnant lady. :-) Maybe 4 kids will seem like a good idea to Adam when he gets used to it. Congratulations on this baby. It will still be special & loved & happy I'm certain.

Elizabeth said...

I am seeing glimpse of life beyond 3 years old. This HAS been a tough year full of competition and fighting. There are moments though where they play so incredibly well together and demonstrate their love for each other. I love the built in playmate that is their friend for life!
So good to see you on here. You look beautiful.

Jess said...

Ah, beautiful. You almost (key word almost make me jealous that I never had twins. The selfies are gorgeous, you'll treasure those. And I love the one picture looking through the window at them on the deck.

Unknown said...

Beautiful! Your words and the photos! Those selfies...melted my heart!

Leah said...

What a great post and beautiful photos. I loved getting your perspective on raising twins {don't know any Mama's of twins}. I have two sets of daughters that are only 2 years apart. And by the time they reached about 1 1/2 and 3 1/2 they became fast friends. My ten and eight year old especially; they still won't sleep apart. So yes your mother dilemma of a single baby would seem to be a fourth!
Though all the planning and wondering in the world really does no good. I know God had our perfect family planned out ages ago, and does for you guys too.


Shayne said...

Love the pictures! And I love your perspective on twins---because the culture at large likes to laugh about it as a curse. But what a special bond you've described between them. Glad you were able to experience that. :)