July 14, 2012

At 9 1/2 Months Pregnant...


Washed my husband’s work car – by hand

Re-planted 3 rows of carrots in my garden

Weeded and mulched nearly 2000 square feet of garden

Picked green beans, lettuce, cucumbers, zucchini, beets, and peas

Canned beets and green beans

Waddled into the hardware store and asked to purchase their best axe

Planted shrubs

Gone boating

Cleaned the same portions of my house “for the last time before the baby comes,” like, 47 times

Gotten my second ever pedicure

All during the hottest summer since 2007.

And there’s still no indication that this baby is gonna be born soon.


Kirsten said...

i'm impressed! i got to the point where i didn't want to do anything but sit around all day - too tired and too sore and too ponderous! our little one didn't want to come on time either, but we induced just a few days after the due date (it was either that or chance a memorial day weekend birth).

hope he/she arrives soon and all goes well!!

Lisa said...

You are superwoman! How many days overdue now? Guess all hope of baby coming on my birthday - July 11 - is gone. ;-)

Praying for an easy (and soon) delivery. I do know that God has the perfect birthday in store for your baby though. Can't wait to find out when!!

Elizabeth said...

So excited for you guys! So soon! That picture of you is too cute for words. Hoping and praying all goes well for you as your new babe enters the world.

Jess said...

I won't get to share my birthday with your baby either. Very impressed with what your garden harvest!

Unknown said...

You go girl! Love the photo of your profile!

Kelly said...

missed this one earlier!! Glad I brought dilly bars over because you needed a break!!! You always continue to amaze me with your motivation and drive in all areas of your life!