September 24, 2010

Putting Down Roots

My blueberry plants had been by the house all spring and summer. I had been waiting for the perfect spot to put them. And when the garden expansion project was finally over, at least the nitty gritty part of it, I knew exactly where to put them. They would be the first additions to the berry patch portion of the new garden.

I hauled everything I needed out to the garden, lamented over the condition of the chunky soil, told myself that soon the "new" dirt would be as beautiful as the "old" dirt in the "old" garden, and set to work.

After the holes were dug, I carefully lifted the blueberry plants out of the planters they had been in since May. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised by what I saw - pathetic, small roots.

These plants had been in ideal conditions since day one. I planted them in a half and half mix of potting soil containing plant food and peat moss in an attempt to achieve the acidic conditions they need to thrive. They sat next to the house sheltered from wind and were watered plentifully and frequently.

What's the point in putting down roots when everything is perfect near the surface? But how will the plant survive tough conditions without strong roots?

Hmmm...are you feeling the same analogy I am? Yes, it is a tired, overused analogy, but the Truth is there nonetheless.

I was forced to face myself and the conditions of my own roots. Am I using the more difficult days of my earthly existence to put down deep roots into my Source of strength, my Source of eternal life, my Jesus? Or am I whining and wondering why conditions aren't more perfect on the surface? How will I survive the truly difficult winds of life?

I place the beautiful-on-top, pathetic-underneath blueberry plants in their new home, a new home that will not be kind to them. Like the rest of my garden, they will have to endure too much rain and too much wind and high heat and not enough rain. But just like the Gardener of my soul, I equip my beautiful plants. They get a generous helping of peat moss and are watered thoroughly, because, you see, I love them and I want them to bear fruit.

With the job done and dirt under my fingernails, I take the kids to see what treasures are in the rest of the garden.
(You see the gardening gloves in my back pocket? I always forget to actually put them on.)

And then I decide to link up to Jess' Facing Myself Photo Challenge  for the first time.

This is me. I'm putting down roots.


Kelly said...

I don't even know what to say...your story reminds me of myself. I absolutely love how you can correlate such a simple little plant into how our lives should be lived! love your pictures too, it is always fun to see you with your kids...because you live every second of your life for them...and crave what can be taught next!

Jess said...

Ah, I love this correlation! Isn't it amazing how much the little details of these self-portraits say about who you are!? Beautiful light. I LOVE the almost-touching hands in your last shot!

Anonymous said...

I just discovered your blog via your facebook page; it is great! Your kids are so beautiful and growing so big. I'll have to try and keep up with you here. P.S. I am the former Lisa Thompson in case you know a lot of Lisa's!

Camille said...

How wonderful that you are doing all this with your kids...such great learning is going on there! What a lovely yard you have! :) And mmmm...blueberries?? I *love* 'em.
