December 7, 2010


Do you ever feel empty?

Like the last drop has been squeezed from you?

Like you don't have any more to give?

I know that feeling.

But I also know my feelings don't reflect the truth, and that sometimes, I simply cannot trust my feelings.

I have a Source that continually fills my cup, to overflowing in fact. The only problem is that when I fill my cup with myself, I'm gonna run out...some days more quickly than others. Then, before I know it, I'm empty.

In fact, when I fill my cup with myself, I'm not giving the best I can give. I'm only giving with my feeble, selfish, prideful maybe it's okay that I run out.

Because then I need a different Source, something other than myself. Something that lasts, something that refills, something that overflows.

When I'm filled with God, with what He gives - His grace, His Son-the only source of eternal life, His Spirit, His love - I never run out. In fact, everything I do is done out of an overflowing.........not an emptying but an overflowing.

But, here's what gets me, I've gotta choose this. So I'm forced to Face Myself and remember this:

My feelings will lead me astray.
My emotions will betray me.

Even when I feel empty, I'm not.

God has given me His grace. The same grace that allows us to breath each day is for me.
God has given me His love. The same love that sent Jesus to the cross is for me.
God has given me His power. The same power that rose Jesus from the dead is for me.

I am a branch that has been grafted into the Vine of His being (John 15:5). Everything that flows through Him, flows through me.

He has given me everything I need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3).

So, I'm not empty. I'm full, and I've got an eternal source.


And before I actually link up, I read this at A Holy Experience,

"...we can get through today because we’ve been given every gift in Christ and today we can do the work of Christ because we’ve been given the abundance of Christ."

and this,

"In every way, every child of God has every gift from God and salvation isn’t only a free gift — it is every gift ever needed.

In Christ I need nothing – but to whisper thanks."

and I smile because God is just so good and I thank Him for:

#61. Jesus, who gave up everything to come to earth and do nothing wrong and die for me

#62. His resurrection and my new life

#63. the marvel of frosty winter trees combined with a bright sunny skies

#64. a quiet week to re-group and re-cover after yesterday's incident

#65. the husband greeting my tired self this morning, whispering, "Go back to bed. I made my own lunch."

#66. so many prayers from so many caring people for one toddler's broken arm

#67. the meal my mom put together for us last night despite her busy schedule

#68. the quiet hum of a furnace now working

#69. the friend who spent 3 evenings in our nearly 100 year old basement helping fix our furnace

#70. that Jesus is right here, right now, even when I don't feel Him

This is me, and I'm overflowing.

Facing Myself


Elizabeth said...

Beautiful, beautiful. I love this post. I love your pictures. I love your words. I am so sad to hear about whatever incident it was you had to go through. It is so good to be reminded to not focus on the circumstances that are right in front of us, or to narrow our vision too much...but to keep our focus on the truth, even when we don't feel or see it.

Amanda said...

When did you have time to put this post together you crazy lady? I love it, the words and the photos.

Brooke said...

So beautiful! You are stunning, and your words were incredibly beautiful!

Jess said...

Cassie these photos are STUNNING. And I don't say that unless I mean it. The light is fabulous. The second one is flawless, look how sharp your eyelashes and those few hairs falling over your face are.

You astound me with your words. Every time. I've felt so "empty" and used up for so long that I feel my blog is becoming noisy space empty of God. And I don't know how to change that.

Kelly said...

I know you are good with words, but it is fun to read your feelings. You put it all so well and all into perspective, thanks for posting this! amazing pictures too! so creative!

Lisa said...

Awesome photos, awesome words, awesome Things to be thankful for. Blessings to you and your family Cassie!

Lisa N said...

Where do I begin? You are a very talented and incredibly beautiful photographer! You are an amazing woman of faith. You are a terrific writer. And I know just the feeling you describe. Thank you for the reminder to trust God and not myself. It was perfect timing. :)