May 23, 2011

Sort Of

We finally got in the vegetable garden......sort of.

We knew the rain was coming, and after five days of sun and wind we thought it certainly must be dry. And it was...sort of...only not so much.

We couldn't get started 'til later in the evening because we had to wait 'til the husband got home to till the garden. And he got home early....sort of.

Then we hit it hard....sort of....because it's so difficult to move quickly when you're trying to include two 3 year olds and keep the dog out of your way.

We managed to mud-in the potatoes, half of the Indian Corn, most of the popcorn, a row of radishes, and most of the onions before it got too dark and before I lost most of my patience.  It was more stressful than I would have liked. I prefer planting the garden on a weekend afternoon in the sun with everybody helping. But we have SO MUCH left to plant, and after getting SO MUCH rain over the past 3 days, it will be awhile before get back in there to finish it.

But even with wet-garden-woes, we've still had the joy of harvesting now that our asparagus is ready. The kids, who ate the stuff last year, are a bit uncertain about eating it this year, but still love helping to pick it.

And we've added to my mental list of gardening goals for this year:  Keep the tent worms from destroying the apple tree again.

She survived and came back this year, however tentatively. As we admired all the apple blossoms, the kids asked me where "all the bugs are" because they actually thought those disgusting fuzzy worm things were fun to watch. I informed them that we are going to kill them as soon as we see them this year. With what, I'm not sure. I think I have a recipe for some homemade tent worm concoction around here. If you've got any tips, I'll gladly take them.

Then, if the leaves survive the worms and we actually get apples this year, we will have to try to keep the deer away from the apples.

When we are successful with that, I will then attempt to convince my husband that we need some more apple trees, which he would have no objection to except that we hate creating mowing obstacles.

We really do need as many apples as we can possible get because we've got an applesauce making tradition in the works here. It was just so much fun last year.

And now that I finally have the timing of KinderGARDENS figured out - sort of - I will actually link up this week with this serious over at The Inadvertent Farmer.

My first post in the series that didn't quite meet the Mr. Linky deadline is HERE.


Jess said...

Yes, more apple trees! It looks like our peaches died, but our apples are doing great. And after your comment about my asparagus, it's all I can do not to pick... just... a few. Way to be an enabler.

Lisa said...

Good for you! Looks like you've gotten a lot done in spite of the difficult weather this spring. Love your photos like always.

The author said...

I wish we'd planted popcorn, that will be so fun to harvest and pop! Your apple blossoms are beautiful.

Kirsten said...

oh, i love the apple blossoms! we just planted our first apple trees a few weeks ago. they still look pretty much like sticks, but maybe we'll have some beautiful blossoms next year.

so glad you are joining the kindergarden fun! looking forward to watching your garden grow. :)

inadvertent farmer said...

I picked all the tents off by hand and then put them in a bucket of water to drown the little buggers...the strays I got off with a powerful shot from my hose!

I haven't planted popcorn in years...just went to the top of my 'must plant' list! Kim

Shayne said...

Envious that you are able to pick asparagus. Ours is only in year #2, so I'm not touching it until next year.

We only have one apple tree, and I'll be excited if we get any apples this year. (It's only two years old, but it had ten blossoms on it.)

Good for you for letting the kids help. It takes so much longer, but it's so worth teaching them to love a garden. Your kiddos are so cute!

Unknown said...

Your soil looks wet just like mine! I was hoping to get out in the garden this week. But we just got another diluge. I'm praying for this weekend. I haven't planted popcorn for a couple of years. MMMMM! It is so good!